Modern 18KY gold cigar band ring
Modern 18KY gold cigar band ring
Description : The cigar band was a tradition created around 1854, to put a paper cigar band on your finger as a ring. This became a very popular trend, which then developed into a concept for fine jewelry. Here is a beautiful example of the smooth sleek shape of the orignal paper cigar band, formed in 18KY gold, and fits on a finger with stylish ease. Brilliant red enamel outlines the shapes of the 18KY gold design. This ring was fabricated in the 1950's when the cigar from Cuba was a very high demand commodity, and status symbol. The Corona cigar was a type of cigar and an indication of the measurement of its length. A great way to advertise your product! The top measures 22mm long by 8mm wide and the ring is a size 5.
Item Number : 6760-728
Category : RING
Brand : MAZ
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